Palms and the Rain
A few weeks back we had a day where a 6-months quota of rain fell in a day (a night and a day really). It was a mess around here. The whole lower zone below the highway was closed off due to the flooding; I couldn’t get out of the house for all the water in the streets. We’ve recovered now and the damage was not completely out of hand.
What happen though was that some spots got good solid pools of water on them for hours at a time and the ground sucked it all up. Consequently there was mud everywhere, up to 10-15 cm in some spots [4-6”]. What surprised me was that some supposedly dead and blasted, worthless, palm trunks suddenly started sprouting new tops. These two had been looking dry and dead for years. Now there is hope. Goes to show how important water is.
Then 5 days later the smaller one already looked like this (night time shot):