Spontaneous Chinese Cabbage Soup
Ingredients: Whatever is in the 'fridge
In this case...get a big pot - add oil
- fry Merluza (hake) pieces 'til done/brown a little - remove - set aside
- one sliced onion - fry - salt - soften - cover - steam for a bit
- 1/4 C hot water - deglaze, more or less, the pot
- 1 C carrots - sliced - into the pot - cover & steam
- 1 C celery - same
- sprig of tyme, bay leaf, celery leaf into the pot (better to wrap as boquet garnis but did not feel so inclined)
- white pepper
- 1C dry wh. wine - boil away the alcohol
- 75 gr of seranno ham - sliced and diced
- 10 cheery tomatoes - halved (for color)
- All of a chinese cabbage - slice broad (1cm) and remove core bits - steam 'til softer
- 1/2 way thru that add 1/2 L caldo de pescado - fish stock
- once cabbage has softened a little add 1C hot water (water up to cover the materials)
- a little more salt (softens the cabbage actually)
- simmer gently for an hour or so
- Put the merluza back in and bring to a poil
- reduce to a hot simmer - check salt & pepper - simmer for 5 min (hea the fish)
- Serve it up.