Habanero Chiles

This is a Habanero Chile. They're very very hot; often called the world's hottest spice (wikipedia). I have a little glass pot of them, stored in vinegar, and never get much (any) chance to use them. It just so happens that I was making a Trinidadian Beef Curry the other day and that was my excuse to chop one of these babies up.

You can see in the pic that other recipe ingredients included onions, shallots and cilantro. You can also see the Le Cordon Bleu logo on my Wusthof knife. And my green cutting board. I actually have a sort of a thing for cutting boards; I have 5 differently colored big plastic ones and a half a dozen others besides - - - and I use all of them at times for various different things.

Now I only have about 9 of these Habanero suckers left. I'll have to work my imagination some more for other hot recipes.

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