Because Shalee Said So - KitchenAid

Aint it a cutie?

So I went out and got one.

Based on readers' surveys the KitchenAid wins the "robot" contest.
I love hardware stores and this machine fits well in either the kitchen or in the garage with the (other) power tools.

I'm looking forward to using it for something.

1 comment:

Shalee said...

You mean I have influence on someone in this world? Good night nurse...

I also tell you that you should send me an airplane ticket to Spain to come visit you. (Let's see if this one will work too.)

And I love the look of your new robot. I see you got the one that goes up and down, which I think is much better than the one where the whole top part moves...

Oh, and don't stick a spactula in the bowl while the Kitchen Aid is running. Just don't.