Duck Breasts with Honey Coriander Sauce

This one's good. The honey-coriander sauce can be used on a variety of dishes: pork, chicken, lobster, salmon, lamb, root veggies for example) so it's nice to have in your repertoire.
Simple; make the sauce and fry the breasts - drizzle sauce over meat - done.

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Duck Breasts with Honey Coriander Sauce

Serves: 2 (with one duck breast, cook 2 breasts to serve 4 - leave the sauce the same)
  • 1 duck breast, 300 gr [10 oz]
  • salt
  • pepper, black, freshly ground
  • ¼ C oil, olive
  • 2 T coriander seeds (yes, use seeds)
  • ½ C honey, light
  • ¼ C soy sauce
  • ¾ C chicken stock (duck stock if you've got it - yah, sure)
  1. Trim duck breast, score the fat side in a grid pattern
    • season with salt & pepper, set aside
  2. Heat oil in a tiny frying pan
  3. Toss in the corriander seeds for about 30 seconds
    • Until they're aromatic and have darkened - but not burnt
  4. Strain the seeds and smush up in a mortar
  5. Honey and soy into a little pot
    • Heat to boiling
  6. Add hot stock and crushed coriander
  7. Boil semi vigorously for 10 minutes - reducing by at least a third, maybe by half
  8. Strain this sauce into yet another saucepan, set aside
  9. In an ungreased frying pan fry the duck, fat side down first - low/medium heat
    • for 10 minutes
  10. Drain away the duck fat and turn over the breast
    • fry for another 6 minutes
    • or until done to your liking
  11. Cut the duck breast on the diagonal, thinly and meanwhile
  12. reheat the honey-coriander sauce
  13. fan out the sliced dusk in a couple of plates
  14. and drizzle sauce, through a strainer, around the duck
  1. Trimming a duck breast involves cutting, vertically, the overhanging fat from around the edges
  2. You can render this fat and use it in the oil for frying the coriander
  3. If you don't have a mortar just smash up the coriander any old which way; maybe a rolling pin. The idea is to crack the seeds open so they'll release their flavor
  4. Reduce the sauce really well - until it coats the back of a spoon. More reduction is probably better
  5. You can make the sauce days in advance
  6. If the duck won't stay flat while cooking, and it probably won't, press down on it with a big flat spatula
  7. Duck meat is always pink in the middle - except for those maniacs that insist on having everything well done
  8. Save the duck fat; great for frying veggies in, or an egg - adds loads of flavor
Again, this recipe is from the great cookbook - Le Cordon Bleu: Quick & Light which is one of the most used for my day to day spontaneous what shall we have today cooking.

The pic's from yesterday because it's part 2 of the same dinner. So I'll add a close up.


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