Saumon Grillé : Grilled Salmon, Beurre Monté a la Ciboulette : Chive Butter Sauce
Just a quick entry 'cause I've got to go out and do some book-shopping before class (which runs from 3:30 to 9:30pm).
It's a Demo pic of course - with my usual excuses for not having one of my own plate. Plus the fact that mine was un unmitigated disaster. The chef's comments:
- Spinach: undercooked, undersalted
- Potatoes Byron: unmentionable (I'll explain below)
- Salsa: excellent
Not in the pic above but included in the practical session are Potatoes Byron (this pic of Roast Pork Ribs has them).
Well, while reading my recipe I was doing the sequence as I'd written it: potatoes, smash/mill them, add butter, add egg yolk, top w/ bechamel... and that was the problem. I put the full pot of bechemal, which I had ready and was sitting right there on my counter, right on top, into, the potato mixture - instantly created potato soup! One dollop is supposed to go on top of each dimpled potato mound - not the whole thing into the mix.
Scored a zero on that part I think.
The recipes were actually pretty simple: grilled salmon (marked on the grill & finished in the oven); fancied up cooked potatoes; wilted spinach; a dead simple butter sauce with 1/2 a lemon's juice in it. But somehow we all had trouble bringing it together. I mean, I was born in Canada; have grilled salmon all my life; literally hundreds - and today I screw up. Go figure.
I guess that's my quota; my one bad day this week. So tomorrow ought to be great - Stuffed Veal Rolls.
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