Roasted Red Pepper & Onion Salad

Ensalada de Pimientos Asados con Cebolla

Very refreshing little salad/ vegetable thing.

It's still warm out (35-40c area [100f]) so the menu adapts accordingly.

I was up early, before it got hot, to do some roasting in the oven. Simultaneously I roasted meat, onions and red peppers.

Everything works at 180C (375f).

The 2¼ lb rolled roast I rubbed with thyme, salt, pepper and that's all. It went in in an oiled roasting pan, I poured oil over it and closed the door. It takes about one hour - turn it over half way through - and should reach 55C (130f) internal temp by then.

I put in 5 red peppers too (oiled a little as well); on a different rack.

At the half way mark I put in a couple of onions; quartered - pointy part upward; on the tray with the meat.

The onions and meat came out after an 1 hour 10 (medium); the peppers stayed in. Then I cranked the temp to 240C (450f) and really roasted those peppers; until the skins were actually blackening quite well.

The meat must "rest" for 15 minutes to finish cooking and settle before it can be cut. Cutting too soon will cause it too lose tons of juices.

Then they come out and go into a sealed bag for 15 minutes (to make them easire to peel). After, when cooled enough, peel the skin off; remove the seeds and cut into narrow strips (½cm).

Cut the onions into julienne too (narrow strips) and mix with the roasted red pepper.

I added 2 tomates, cored, deseeded and julienned too.

Then add a Tablespoon of Modena Vinegar. Add salt Maldon.

Mix together.


The other stuff in the picture is a curry chicken.

The roast meat was for a cold dinner later on so it's not featured in the photo. Two birds with one stone and all that.

Note: I wrote this as a narrative recipe; I plan to repeat this in "regular" form later - for comparison.

1 comment:

Shalee said...

Once again, your recipes sound very good. I like the narrative style too, since it shows more of you in the post. But the "regular" format does make it easier to copy the recipe. There's the quandry for me...