Turkey Pie

Today's entry: given that in Canada Thanksgiving was a week or four ago and that in the States it's about now, sis Elizabeth made a beautiful turkey pie and sent a picture.

Elizabeth's turkey pie

I like the star things on top. I have not been gifted with the recipe as yet. In the event that it arrives I'll edit this post. Presumably it's something along the lines of:

  • a pie rust (probably baked before filling)
  • leftover turkey bits
  • some sort of ratatouille (cooked mixed veggies)
  • a bechamel sauce to hold everything together

The turkeys they sell here in Spain are the size of a great big chicken so it's trickier to end up with enough leftovers for one of these.

1 comment:

Shalee said...

Delicious... that's a creative way to use some of the leftovers too.