Old Picture - not food related but good for a laugh

I ran across this old picture. Probably older than you are. Guess the year. Prizes.

The hairstyle is a dead giveaway.


Shalee said...


willson said...

19...46 ?! Nope. That would have a style that was more Gary Cooperish; Cary Grant. That sort of thing. 1946 was more a post-war look. Short hair I think.

Neither can I imagine myself as something like 75 or 80 years old (yet)!

However, as a guess of my (current) age it's rather close.

Shalee said...

Well it's a good think I meant age! Sheesh. Perhaps I should do a little better at reading comprehension...

PastormacsAnn said...

I'm guessing 1978.

Came over via Shalee's Diner. Love your blog. I'll be back.