Mayo 2004: Vera Playa: Spain

I am rather a big fan of pizza; as you may have gathered.  A favorite of mine here in the south of Spain, on the Mediterranean, a hundred meters [yards] from the beach, is a place called Mayo 2004. Once I got down here from Madrid the first thing I did was pop over and have myself one of their nice little pizzas.pizzatunamayo200408102008218

This one’s tuna.  Thin crust, crispy, tomato sauce, mozzarella, a scattering of red and green peppers, tuna of course, and I have them add onions.  The bases seem to be premade, commercially bought, but they’re very good ones.  Properly baked. One size only.  One pizza per person is about right.  A very nice product.

I wrote about them once before and now, a year later, they’re still putting out a good product so that says something for their consistency.

You can find them and Avenida Tortuga Boba [Silly Turtle Ave] (head south from Vera towards Garrucha, then left down the AL-7107 [towards Villaricos] and turn right at the Consum supermarket). They’re closed mid-October to mid-November, resting after the high season for tourists, but when they open again in a couple of weeks I’ll be back in there for lunch.

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