Paupiettes de Veau Bourgeoise : Stuffed Veal Rolls with Glazed Vegetables

Demo pic

It felt like things were finally coming together with this one. Much less lost in the kitchen; developing a bit of flow. After 11 days I had a fair bit of success (I may have had some successes earlier but since the last couple of days of disasters the good days were long forgotten).

Everything worked: stuffing, veal rolling, turned & glazed carrots, turned & glazed brown mini onions, sauce, hot plate, presentation.
Actually, the sauce was +/- 80% good, but too thin; which Chef agreed was a typical error of timidity by new cooks. The other typical error is too thick sauce caused by forgetting it on the burner.

This one was so very delicious. Usually when I get home I'm sort of tired of seeing and being around food so I don't eat it until maybe lunch the next day. This one I chowed down on as soon as I got home.

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